Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Question We Ask but Never Really Know The Answer

Today as i reflect on my past and the conversations I've had and held company in, I ask myself this age old question: Why? Why  are people sent to prison unjustly and given life sentences? Why are babies born with cancer? Why do loved ones have to die so early? Why am I still single? Why are we born into this world and then die out of this world? Why do we feel sad one day for no reason, and then feel joyful the next? Why is it that some people can smoke a cigarette one time and never touch it again, and others become addicted? So many questions that are left to be answered. I'm sure you have your own questions about why you are the way you are.
Everyday whether you are a believer or a non believer, our faith gets tested. In other words, I look at my life like a classroom. We have the instructor, depending on the test, its either the Holy Spirit, or the Adversary.And you have yourself, the test taker. Oh and i cannot forget the Principal, The Almighty God. Who is instructing you during your test preparation??  The adversary is the one who is under the authority of the principal, but disagrees with most of the things they stand for and think they would do a better job. So they poison you with thoughts of discouragement in leadership. Are you letting thoughts like "God, don't care about me, if he did he wouldn't have let the things that happened in my life happened." or " I think God hates me because my life is crap and he made it that way." We have all been there... we have all had those conversations in our heads, but what i have learned is that there is another instructor, another teacher who is there to bring me back from the pit of darkness. The Holy Spirit. My guide, my teacher, who gives me wisdom and understanding of the Why's of life.
In order for a tree to grow healthy, it must be pruned seasonally. A lot of times we cry for loved ones we've lost or people in our lives who have fallen away from our friendship- our lives are being pruned for growth. When we understand,we are better able to cope with it and mature. So we no longer ask why, like babes, but say thank you, like disciplined adults. So i take this time out and say Lord, I thank you for every life lesson learned and lessons that i will continue to learn because i know that, the more trials we face as people, the GREATER OUR PURPOSE IN YOU!!!!
I hope this helped you in your figuring out Why WE Go Through What WE Go Through....Be inspired, be encouraged, but most of all be BLESSED!!